dina utami

It's Where I Put My Words and Anything I'd Like to Keep in Mind

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Before Sunrise - Perfect OneNightStand

(First Met At The Train)
Jesse: Do you have any idea what they were arguing about?
Celene: [glances up at him, looks over]
Jesse: Do you - Do you speak English?
Celene: Yeah. No, I'm sorry, my German is not very good. Have you ever heard that as couples get older, they lose their ability to hear each other?
Jesse: No.
Celene: Well, supposedly, men lose the ability to hear higher-pitched sounds, and women eventually lose hearing in the low end. I guess they sort of nullify each other, or something. Jesse: I guess. Nature's way of allowing couples to grow old together without killing each other.

(Met A Street Poem)
Daydream delusion
Limousine Eyelash
Oh, baby with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wineglass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to me
Sweet cakes and milkshakes
I am a delusioned angel
I am a fantasy parade
I want you to know what I think
Don't want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where I came from
We have no idea where we're going
Launched in life. Like branches in the river
Flowing downstream.Caught in the current
I'll carry you. You'll carry me
That's how it could be
Don't you know me
Don't you know me by now.

(Time to Say GoodBye)
"let's meet right here in exactly one year. No! Make it six months, right at this spot..."


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