dina utami

It's Where I Put My Words and Anything I'd Like to Keep in Mind

Friday, February 15, 2008

the way we learn

Alfon, my nephew, fell of again this morning. Head first, big bump. He's learning to walk. It seems like everyday that he physically hurt himself. In a cartoon he'd be like crayon sinchan :p. Amazingly, he's still trying. Of course he cried, of course he feels a little doubt each time he starts to try again, but he never stops. Thank god he's easily distracted. We gave him minyak tawon and bring him close to a fan, don't know why but he likes to watch a fan whirling so much, and he stopped crying.

Most of the time, he was warned by us not to do something we thought to be harmful but he wont listen. Curiosity? maybe. Like 3 days ago, my cousin told him not to play with a belt and tried to take it away from him but he insisted. The buckle hit his head hard and he cried. Another bump, Told you! Each time he becomes more careful and skillful. He learned not only to walk but also to listen to us.

I guess that's just the way we learn. To never give up no matter how much failure we experience and to listen to those who we trust, love us and always be there for us, no matter how stupid our choice was.


At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

berarti emang harus babak belur dulu yah din ? yowes kl gitu

At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

umur si nephew berapa, bu guru ? ah, jadi ingat my niece.

At 1:28 AM, Blogger dinautami said...

@ogi: yaaa..gtu deh hehehe..ternyataa

@mbak dian: maret ini 1 tahun mbak. Sekarang 11 bulan beratnya 10Kg, kemaren habis posyandu, ktanya satu strip lagi masuk obesitas whaahaha

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

iyah, gix, harus babak belur dulu.
harus ngerasain sendiri baru percaya yang diomongin orang itu bener.
dan harus jatuh dan berusaha bangun sendiri biar tau hidup tuh bisa dihadapi oleh kita. bukan oleh orang tua kita ato orang laennya lagi.
that's how i survive all this time.

**opo e tiikk... wakakakak..**

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kalo gak jatuh ya gak belajar dinnnn

At 11:34 PM, Blogger Irfan said...

eh, nek kesalahan yg sama terjadi berulang2 kiy njut piye ya? koq aku ga belajar dari kesalahan kiy obat e opo?

At 4:40 AM, Blogger dinautami said...

@mas irfan:
Obatnya? Minyak Tawon :D

Melakukan kesalahan berkali-kali itu bagian dari belajar gak sih?

Alfon harus jatuh tiap hari, Thomas Alfa Edison harus salah dan gagal 999 kali dalam melakukan percobaanya sebelum akhirnya nemu lampu.

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Asri said...

Wah... you are a really talented writer!
Tulisannya bagus-bagus bu.. saluuuuutttt... :)


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