dina utami

It's Where I Put My Words and Anything I'd Like to Keep in Mind

Monday, February 04, 2008


dina: gik, do you remember there used to be a street banner saying "GO TO HELL AMERICA WITH YOUR AIDS" during campaign in front of MM UGM?
o_giggs: yeah
dina: I thought what they meant by AIDS was HIV :D
o_giggs: =))
o_giggs: silly

That's how silly and naive I am. It's the financial aids they meant, isn't it? Reading Confession of an economic hit man finally paid off hiehiehie..

Btw, I've finished that book. Now, I'm a bit paranoid. Regardless of the many pros&cons about that book, but I do know that these facts are real:

Indonesia owes debt it cant never repay.

Our natural resources is being sucked up by industries without concerning the damage it might result.

The gap between the rich and the poor are larger.

Global warming is real.

Imperialist country move its industry to countries with cheap labors.

The world is in a mess hiks..


At 5:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've just realized how silly u were.
But it's fun to have silly friend like you


At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

everybody must have silly experience in his/her life. Just appreciate positively every moment in your life:). then you'll get something to laugh at when you you're alone:)


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