Which came first?

I've been dealing with 'which came first' questions lately.
Several days ago I had a short of disagreement with my senior, who is also a rector of a private university in Yogya, about ICT investment in education. His university had just received a grant from the government for ICT facilities improvement. In my opinion, ICT investment in education is necessary and will give us many advantages. He thinks, if ICT wasn't used properly it wont give any advantages, or worse disadvantages. Both of us agree on that but which should came first? Investing on ICT first or preparing our students culture and habits first? There's the disagreement.
Another story.
A couple days ago, I had a chat with a friend. He was asked by his father,also a rector, "Which one is more important in your opinion, and you must choose one only, elementary education or higher education?" We both think elementary education is more important but his father think higher education is more important.
Why is it matter anyway? Why one should come first after another?
Why can't we just invest on IT and preparing our students readiness meanwhile?
Why can't both, elementary education and higher education be both equally important?
Well, to us, maybe, it doesn't really matter but to the top level person or decision makers it is important. They're the one who should set priority and like Stephen R. Covey said on his book: "First thing first".
Fortunately, I am just an ordinary person. Still on the same book Covey also said: "Proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence" so thats what I'm gonna do. Those decission maker however have larger circle of influence, hence, greater responsibility.
Poor them :(
May Allah give them strength and wisdom. Amin.
ayo din, jalankan rencanamu!!
iya.. jalankan rencanamu.. lupakan tragedi busway..
gampang din, tinggal merem, itung kancing baju, asal putuskan pilih salah satu.
Hasile paling yo podo wae :D
Kadang, bagaimana kita menjalankan keputusan kita lebih penting dari apa sih keputusan kita.
It's just like an egg-chicken question:D
@tika: tenan iki tik..hehehe
@fikri: forgiven not forgotten wekekekkekk
setuju gik..lha pada akhirnya investing on IT itu bukan pilihan, masyarakat maunya sekolahan yg punya fasilitas IT bagus gak peduli ada manfaatnya untuk mereka atau gak..hihihi...
jadi akhirnya laki2 mana yg kau pilih Din? *lho, nyambung ndak ya?*
iyya bank al..ndak nyambung :p
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