MOMO -Michael Ende

An imaginative story about the concept of time.
Why are we, adults, see it and use it so differently from do we start changing?
In case you're wondering, What's good about all those technology that claimed to helped us work faster, if the time we save is used to do more work?
It's not that we should just waste our time.
This book reminds me of this story:
A time management guru places rocks into an aquarium at the front of the class. She asks the class if the aquarium looks full. Everyone points to the spaces in between the rocks. She smiles as she adds stones, which fall between the rocks to fill up the bigger spaces. People then point to the space between the large stones and pebbles. She sprinkles in sand, which seems to fill up all the spaces. When everyone agrees that the aquarium is full, she pours a jug of water into the aquarium. Every drop of it is absorbed between the rocks, pebbles and sand.
The moral of the story is not that you can always fit something else in - it's that this is the only way we can fit all this into the aquarium. If we place the rocks in first, everything else fits in around them. If we try any other order, we would have leftover things at the end of each day or week.
so, what's your rocks?
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