dina utami

It's Where I Put My Words and Anything I'd Like to Keep in Mind

Monday, January 28, 2008

how to boil a frog?

"The Boiled Frog"

They say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water,
it will leap out right away to escape the danger.

But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant,
and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling,
the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late.
The frog's survival instincts are geared towards detecting sudden changes.

The story's origins are rooted in nineteenth-century physiological literature. It is actually based on many experiment done in 1987, one at John Hopkins University.

This is a story that is used to illustrate how people might get themselves into terrible trouble.

This parable is often used to illustrate how humans have to be careful to watch slowly changing trends in the environment, not just the sudden changes. Its a warning to keep us paying attention not just to obvious threats but to more slowly developing ones.

The story has been reprinted many times and used to illustrate many different points, including: inaction toward global warming and corruption as a system.

Unfortunately, there no story or findings about how to save a boiled frogs. In a brief observation, when we're trying to save Indonesian frog, which had been boiled for 33 years, by suddenly taken them out of the boiling pan in order to save them, they tend to jump back to it. Perhaps they felt cold. And when the people who boiled them die, the mourned for 7 days.

do we have to do it slowly?

and many more


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

6 students came to my house at very late night..

Yesterday was the exam day of Computer Animation course, it's the deadline of the assignment I gave to my students, as a final project course, more than 5 months earlier. And what happened was only one group submitted it. I felt so disappointed :(

They had my dispensation last semester in another course and I guess they thought..this time I'll just be nice again.. :(
I think they should learned not to count on other people kindness to succeed.. so I gave them up to 00.00 a.m

and at 11.00 p.m 6 of them came to my house at submit it..OH MY GOD!!!
I am so tired..so sleepy..and yet they're my student..unmotivated ones for sure but still..

anyway..they said they had to go right away to find lecture material for another exam the next morning..
ouw dear..


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What You Feel Only Matters to You..

Stephen: What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you love. That's what matters. That's the only thing that counts. (The Last Kiss)

that is so true..and applicable in many other situation. It can also say

"What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you disagree with. Speak Up! That's what matters. That's the only thing that counts.

How many times you disagree over somethin' and do nothing. It's eatin' you alive. You just mumble..or maybe discuss it but with someone else who had nothin' to do with it? Well..how is that gonna help???

Even if you did do something, still, there's possibilities that the one you showed your love to or the one you tried to spoke to, did not care about that at all..

What you feel only matters to you..

Monday, January 07, 2008

a story behind Oxford English Dictionary (OED)

Interesting facts:

1. It took 70 years to finished OED.
2. It involved a lunatic murderer doctor as its greatest contributor.
3. English as an International language is a vision, certain people struggle for it.
4. How OED was build? how to collect all the words and quotation?


...my new heaven on earth is called Homerian Library

This library is'nt far from my house. It's different from my university library or a book rental. They have the collection of many interesting books, dvd and cd, from indonesia and abroad. They also sell and buy old books. The owner is a truly book hunter. I love their collection.
Having too much leisure time, I can do anything I want, and since I love books soo much..this is my new heaven on earth.


birthday wishes from my student

One of my student sent me FS message due to my birthday..here it is:

"ibu selamat ulang tahun dah mennghampiri ibu, semakin dekat pula ibu pada sebuah titik akhir dari kehidupan. waktu ulang tahun menjelang merupakan sebuah momen untuk mengenang semua peristiwa yang terjadi sebelumnya. renungan yang membuat diri kita dekat denganNYA agar senantiyasa di lindungi dan diberkahi oleh-NYA.

Mungkin semua ketidak berhasilan pada masalalu merupakan sesempurnaan yang belum tercapai, jejakkan langkah-langkah yang akan datang untuk menyempurnakan apa yang akan ibu raih.

Selamat ulang tahun.... moga selamat dunia dan akherat... jadikan diri ibu sosok yang dapat membimbing kami (mahasiswamu) sabarlah dalam mengajar saat kami nakal, dan jadilah ibu saat kami butuh saandaraan atas kerasnya kehidupan kampus ini.
makasih buuu telah memberi apa yang aku cari di SINI

Semoga tetap iman, islam, dan tingkatkan ibadah yng mendekatkan diri pada sang pencipta. karena umur manusia tiada yang mengerti.



Sunday, January 06, 2008

Newton's Apple Mystery

There are some interesting facts you can found in this book.

First, The most interesting one for me, is about the myth of Newton and Apple. Of course you're familiar with the story of Newton, Apple and Gravity. It turns out that it's not like what I used to think it is. I'm not gonna tell you here. You must read it yourself :p

Which you think is the CooLest, Einstein or Newton? I have always been Einstein big fans but after reading this book I change my mind. Sir Isaac Newton is the Greatest Scientist Ever. In the last pages of the book you can read what Einstein said about Newton and some reasons why, both, Einstein and Newton's are considered to be the greatest scientist and polling result about Einstein vs Newton.

Imagine, how is it like to conduct research on something real brand new. There was no specific glossary used to describe 'the thing' you want to measure and there's no unit of measurement.

Read the book and then answer this question
"If you could be Isaac Newton, be the greatest scientist ever, contributed so much for human, etc but you have to live the way he live, and experience everything he did. Personal life, love life, personal relation, daily habits..I meant everything! Would you???"

* 'the thing' that I meant was Force(F) and the unit of measurement..well..Newton(N)
*pic from here


in line

I feel like I am in a queue.
It seems to be a long one.
There's not much I can do during waiting but I have choices.
I could just wondering when my turn will be, looking forward over and over again or I could try to enjoy the process of waiting.I could try to chat with the people surround me, bring an MP3 player or books to read.
Hmm..Let's see..First choice will make me reckless and exhausted. The second one seem to be better.
The Best is of course to not wait too long..coz' I really dunno how long I have to wait.
I am afraid I am not so though.
What if I give up?
Is there any guarantee that if I keep on waiting someday there will come my turn?
What if it does'nt?
Should I set a limit? you know..like wait till July and then stop.


Dear God..please don't let me wait too long..


We can do this???

WoW! Is'nt this CooL!, that we can actually questioned our president intelligence, or anything, and make a statement that he's an idiots,or anything, in a national TV, like this.

In my country, a friend of mine used our president pic and mix it with another pic, for the sake of joke. Suddenly a police came to his office and brought him to be investigated. Hmmm...